Sunday, October 7, 2018

Is This Your Pastor?

The purpose of the web site is to make the community aware of who this man is and that as a registered SEXUAL PREDATOR he shouldn't be serving in the capacity of Pastor in this or any church -- EVER!    

If you attend the Village Church at Advent Christian Village in Dowling Park then this is your Pastor of Pastoral Care! 

Jason Hilliard has been a registered SEXUAL PREDATOR since 2002. If you lived in Suwannee county at that time then you probably remember the case of the Suwannee High School band teacher who was arrested on seven (7) counts of SEXUAL BATTERY BY ONE IN FAMILIAL OR CUSTODIAL AUTHORITY. (See "Who Is Margo?") That means he used his position and influence as a teacher to groom and prey on teenage girls and manipulate them into having sex with him. He was a professing Christian, active in the Village Church, a married man and the father of two children. If you didn't live here at that time, or you live in the Advent Christian Village or attend the Village Church then this is your real introduction to your neighbor and Pastor.

Contingent with his plea deal he had to SURRENDER HIS TEACHING CERTIFICATE -- not just while on probation bur FOREVER! That is due to the nature of his crime. The law recognizes that SEXUAL PREDATORS should not be in positions of authority or influence. I can't think of a more influential position than church pastor.

People who attend the Village Church are not told about this man's past or his REGISTERED SEXUAL PREDATOR status. No one who comes in with children or teenagers is given a courtesy "heads up". They find out later, as my family did, from other sources.  When we inquired about the situation we were given a white washed story. We were told it "was a long time ago, it was blown out of proportion,  he has repented, he has the backing of the church and of the church Senior Pastor." That pastor was Dr. Timothy Setzer, the same pastor who was recently forced to resign because he DIDN'T support Jason Hilliard.


This photo has not been doctored and can be viewed on this Suwannee Democrat page link. He is number six on the list.

As seen in the preceding image, Jason Hilliard, as of April 4, 2017, was considered to be one of ten "Offenders with a high risk of re-offending". With the thousands of registered sex offenders in Suwannee county why is Jason Hilliard on the "hot 10" list?  Is it because of his position as pastor in a local church?

You may ask how he can attain such a position given his past and current status. Well, it's because he took a plea deal, copped to 4 of the 7 charges, agreed to some terms and was non adjudicated. Yep, "non adjudicated" means he was never actually convicted of a felony -- so after his term of probation (7 years) ended, he was cut loose to do whatever he wanted. Considering that he has been deemed a PREDATOR WITH A HIGH RISK OF RE-OFFENDING this has very scary connotations! 

Any first year psychology class, Sexual Abuse class or even reading on one's own will certainly teach you that SEXUAL PREDATORS have a very high rate of re-offending -- in general, they don't change their behavior. SEXUAL PREDATORS are narcissists, only concerned with themselves and their own twisted pleasure. They are usually highly intelligent people with a great ability to manipulate. They are master profilers who can quickly hone in on those that can be abused and victimized. 

Having this man at the Village Church or any church is completely disregarding the safety of those children and young women.